Christian Robert recently posted a minimalist piece of R code implementing a Metropolis sampler for an arbitrary target function. Here's the code with a few edits:
This was just throw-away code used to answer a simple question about MCMC, but it shows that the code can be pretty minimal. People writing their first MCMC samplers, even if they are familiar with programming often make a predictable series of mistakes and writing some example samplers which deal with these problems in this format might be a useful approach to guiding them through it.
Some of the easily avoided problems which trip people up:
it <- 10^5
target = function(x) (x>-2)*(x<2)*dnorm(x=x, mean=0, sd=1)
for ( t in 2:it ) {
prop = mcmc[t-1] + runif(n = 1, min = -0.4, max = 0.4)
if ( runif(1) < target(prop) / target(mcmc[t-1]) ) {
mcmc[t] = prop
} else {
mcmc[t] = mcmc[t-1]
plot( x = 1:it, y = mcmc, pch = '*' )
This was just throw-away code used to answer a simple question about MCMC, but it shows that the code can be pretty minimal. People writing their first MCMC samplers, even if they are familiar with programming often make a predictable series of mistakes and writing some example samplers which deal with these problems in this format might be a useful approach to guiding them through it.
Some of the easily avoided problems which trip people up:
- Trying to work with densities, rather than log-densities. It fails fairly quickly.
- Failing to deal with boundaries of parameter space (the sampler above _does_ deal with them in the target function).
- Ignoring obvious caching opportunities.
Thanks: I always strive to code in a minimal(ist) way, much to the sorrow of my co-authors...